SacAnime Summer 2016

Two Minutes. That's about all the time you have to register for tables at SacAnime. The blood in your veins starts rushing at 9:59 AM. Come ten o' clock you click your mouse and type at speeds even the Flash couldn't comprehend. You can only hope any pray that during the time it takes PayPal to load, 100 people haven't already submitted their info. Once you confirm your order and that page loads to say "You paid $100 to SacAnime" it's done. Jizz everywhere. The blue balls you've had since the night before are relieved but only momentarily. The pressure starts to build back up until September. What I'm trying to say is Senpai Social Club will be returning to Artist Alley at SacAnime Summer 2016.


SEPTEMBER 2nd-4th, 2016



X's For Eyes - Restocked

One of our most asked for shirts has just been restocked! Head on over to our store to get yours now! I think the shirt has an interesting little history to it so I thought I'd share some info on the design.

The X's For Eyes was the second shirt we ever released to the public. It made it's debut at SacAnime Summer 2015. After we generated some hype at Fanime 2015 I wanted to offer something other than the Dugout Tees for SacAnime. I guess even back then I was conscious that I didn't want us to be a one-trick pony. We made only about seven of them for the convention and are just now restocking it.

The design overall was inspired by the band shirts I'd rush to Hot Topic to buy back in the day. If you couldn't already tell by the song in the video it was influenced a lot by the Misfits. It was actually just a back up design to another shirt we had planned for the convention. The original shirt we were going to make was themed with a certain famous anime in mind that we didn't have licensing rights to. Shit got rejected by our printer with the quickness. 

A fun fact about this shirt is that it takes a lot from other Senpai Social Club shirts I was designing at the time. Daps' (our character) face was predominantly for a Big Bang shirt I was gonna make to wear at their concert. The stylized text and kanji came from a disney themed shirt I made for the D23 Expo. And the name of the shirt is a twist on a line from the movie Coraline. 

So for those of you that have been wanting this shirt, the wait is over! I hope knowing the history of this shirt gets you a little more excited to own it.

- Matthew

Senpai Social Sounds Vol. 3

Last Saturday we were suppose to put up Vol. 3 of our bi-weekly playlist but were unable to do so due to lack of free wifi at SacAnime (boo Sheraton boo). Without further ado, we present to you...


Better late than never right? Hope you all had a great new year because we sure did.

2016 bitches!


Con Life: SacAnime Winter 2016

Another Con has come and gone and just like the rest of them, it ended too soon. As some of you may know this was our first time having a set up in any shape or form so right off the bat it was going to be a new experience for us.

When we walked into the convention center on Day Zero our jaws dropped. Have you ever seen the exhibitors hall when it’s completely empty? It looks 10x bigger than it does all set up. When we arrived at our table our blood started pumping. We probably had the hardest pre-convention boner out of everyone.


Don’t let the simplicity of our table fool you because when there’s less to look at it’s easier to notice mistakes. Case and point: our banner. Luckily we only had to inform one person of the mythical land of “CALIFORINA”, a place of refuge for Senpais such as ourselves. A short lived highlight of our booth was the now legendary “Pink Bra”, which we had to take down due to whiny babies complaining.

Running a booth like ours in Artist Alley is interesting. We didn't offer any traditional items or art. In the colorful world of Artist Alley we were the literal dark cloud, and we embraced it.

“What are you guys?” is a question we frequently got and the answer depended on what day you asked. The look of confusion and disappointment when people found out we weren’t an actual club they could join was always mildly amusing. But for every couple of people with questions there was a group of people who knew about us that followed. It was awesome hearing about how people have seen our shirts around or stories they had about us personally (some of which were untrue but entertaining). 

Can’t forget about the all the new people we met too! We actually ran out of business cards so I hope a few of you that grabbed one are reading this now. If you are, What up! Hope you guys continue to fuck with us. 

It was really great meeting a few of you who have been following us since way back when. Despite what Sword Art Online led you to believe, live interactions are way better than online ones. Welcome to the ever growing posse of the Senpai Social Club! Hope to see you all at upcoming conventions.

So here’s to SacAnime Winter 2016. I’ve never had a more productive start to a new year in my life. We exceeded our own expectations and are excited for what 2016 has in store for the club. Thank you all again for your continued support. Artist Alley Gods willing, we will have a table at SacAnime Summer 2016. If we get one, get those lungs ready to yell "WONTON SOUP!". A special thank you goes out to Linda and Michael for helping us run our booth. Free up some time in September guys!

Until next time plebs

- Matthew

SacAnime Prep Part 1

With SacAnime just over a week away we are officially at the start (and crunch time) of our preparations.

Do you know how long it takes to individually package shirts? If you guessed "A Fucking Long Time" you are correct. Doing this first batch took me over two hours. I could of watched Star Wars again with that time and honestly would rather of done that. But here at Senpai Social Club we like to give our own personal touches with everything we do, including something as benign as packaging shirts. We like to give away some bonus items when people come see us at Cons, so with every shirt purchase you get a free white "Senpai 69" button packaged with your item. Here's to doing that for another two hours with our second batch of shirts!

Our shirts aren't the only things that include bonus items! We've added a brand new button design to our existing button pack.

There's still a lot left for us to do in these up coming days but we are beyond excited to see it all come together. We hope to see some familiar faces as well as new ones so drop by!

We are located at table AA H10 (Click here for the Artist Alley map)


Senpai Social Sounds Vol. 2

And Another One! Here is Vol. 2 of our bi-weekly playlist called "Senpai Social Sounds". Senpai Social Sounds returns in 2016 on January 2nd!


Hope you all have a good weekend and happy holidays you plebs!

- Matthew


Analyzing Romance Anime And The Boner In Your Heart

We were at a small diner pretty early in the evening getting some dinner. It was pretty much empty excluding the staff. Just the two of us. She looked amazing. Gorgeous. Top 3, one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen outside of a computer screen.

She hasn’t said a word to me all night, but her quiet laughter and shy smiles were all that I needed. I could talk to her all night without ever getting an audible response and it’d still be an amazing first date. As we were leaving the diner, she grabbed my hand and we ran to the car. Driving in the night, I sang along to all the songs that played while she just laughed and smiled. Comforting. We stopped at the park to watch a fireworks display that was going on. It was a truly beautiful sight. Not the type of beautiful in the overused meager kind of way that most people describe visually stimulating things, but actually beautiful. Just like she was. Perfect. As the fireworks went off, she turned to look at me. She pulled me in closer, and as the colors lit up the sky, we kissed. That too was beautiful. Cinematic. The type of clichéd scene in a movie that’d win best romantic comedy. I could live in this moment forever. As she pulled away from me, she looked in my eyes and started to speak. That's when everything went wrong. I couldn't understand a word she was saying. She was speaking to me in Japanese. My brain stuttered in a confused panic and quickly started to fill me in with what she was saying via subtitles. But before I could read what she had said, I woke up. 

It was one of the best dreams I’ve ever had, but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit cheated. What could have caused this sudden turn of events? Maybe it was binge watching the last 8 episodes of Ao Haru Ride (Blue Spring Ride) all of last night. Maybe it was also finishing all 38 episodes of Kimi Ni Todoke the previous week, and all of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (My Little Monster) and Golden Time the week before that. I was on a romance anime kick, and much like how much money a year you spend on dakimakuras, it was starting to become a problem. It was at the point where I couldn’t even escape the feels in my sleep. My most inelegant, maladroit, and graceless state of being. The polar opposite of the way romance anime is meant to make you feel. 

The fantasy portrayed in romance anime is that of the worst kind. The kind that teases you with its perfection and plausibility, but ultimately ends with the realization that nothing will ever be as pure and ideal as whats being presented to you. Even romance anime that portrays more realistic relationships (such as Golden Time) with flaws and work that has to be put into them, they still project some sense of fantasy, because in the end that is what they are. Fantasy.

Why I think romance anime is so great, is because of this fantasy. It brings out the best in the clichéd ideas we all have about this confusing thing called love. Sure, none of my romances in the past have ever been anything close to the romances portrayed in anime, and they more than likely never will be, but at least there’s the hope and goal of a kind of relationship to strive for. These are the actual types of things that the hashtag #goals should actually be used for.

Romance anime appeals to the inherent want of an ideal companionship most people search for in this world. As a hetero-male, there are all sorts of expectations of masculinity that reject things like emotions and warm feelings. There’s always a certain apprehensiveness I see in guys when the topic of romance anime comes up. They either play their man card and proclaim to only watch shōnen shows like Dragonball Z and Bleach or they are all in and will spend two hours talking to you about the subtle complexities of Nisekoi when you really just want to hurry up and go out because this is not how you wanted to spend your first Saturday night off in 4 months. It’s usually the former rather than the latter. But in the end, things like emotions and feelings are things we all experience. At least I hope so. The cynic in me will always get annoyed when I feel people are being way too obnoxious with their affections for each other out in public, but I wont deny the warm feelings I get when I see some kid pull off some elaborate ass plan to ask the person they like to prom. Or videos of people from the military coming back home and surprising their loved ones with their presence. Those ones always fucking get me.

When it comes to anime, I like to refer to these feelings as heart boners. It’s those moments that give you that warm fuzzy feeling and tug at your heart strings and possibly turn you into an emotional mess, whether it’s because you're happy for what just transpired or because you just realized that your life is shit compared to this moment right now. When two characters who I’ve watched for countless hours go back and forth with their feelings until it finally culminates in that confession or kiss, it gets to me. I care. I can relate to that anxiety filled struggle. I can relate to doing those subtly cute things to get the girl. Maybe more than anything, its a sense of nostalgia for an innocence a lot of us long for in love.

Obviously, people are different and interpret things differently. I know people who didn’t have the same tear jerking reaction to the end of Clannad as I did. Heartless. Romance anime just isn’t for everybody. I get that. What I would hope for to come out of this, is for people to not approach romance anime with the pretense of them being the anime equivalent of a “chick flick”. There’s more to a lot of these shows than just that. While a lot of the shows do overlap in their themes, I do find that there are genuinely good shows that have brought up some interesting moments regarding relationships and how they function. The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, Toradora!, Ano Natsu de Matteru (Waiting In The Summer), and Anohana just to name a few that I didn’t already mention above. There’s also shows that aren’t romance anime outright, but do feature romance as a prominent theme within their plot, such as Eureka Seven, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, and Full Metal Panic!. Either way, I do hope this encourages some to give romance anime a try if they haven’t already, or if you already do watch romance anime, help to give some perspective on to maybe what you like about it. But what do I know? I’m just a nerd with a laptop.

I’m currently typing this while catching up on all the Fallout 4 I’ve missed because of college.

- Daniel

WWE: Live Action DBZ

I think it’s fair to assume that most people my age got one of their first major tastes of anime from Dragon Ball Z. It is definitely an anime that has aged very well and stood the test of time. Sailor Moon was a “girl cartoon” and Pokemon was a “kid’s show”, but DBZ is forever.


If you watched the show as a kid it’s almost impossible to forget anything about it. The story, the characters, the fact that a power level over 9,000 is really minuscule , all of that is knowledge I fully believe I’ll take to my grave. Even if I deteriorate from dementia I’m 90% I’ll always know who the Prince of all Saiyans is. Dragon Ball Z fans are a dime a dozen but I can’t help but feel a disconnect with the rest of them. Hello, it’s me…the guy who wants people to stop attempting to make live action DBZ material.

Over the past few years fans all over the world kickstarted and released live action DBZ content on YouTube. I won’t knock on the effort, time, and money that goes into all that. For fuck’s sake I can barely put together a 15 second video clip for our Instagram. But all of that doesn’t change the fact that I am continually disappointed by what I see being put out. There’s just Dragon Ball Z things that won’t ever look right on camera. The hair styles top that list without question. Again I’m not trying to rain on anyones parade but I'm here to inform you that we’ve had a live action DBZ right in front of us, in the from of…

That’s right, pro wrestling is DBZ to the tee. The idea first came to me after listening to G of the CWF (Cosplay Wrestling Federation) reflect on their successful year. He explained why he thought a wrestling panel (without any actual wrestling) does so well at anime conventions. G described parallels between the both of them drawing from character types and story lines. We attended CWF panels as fans of wrestling and when he made the connection for us I couldn't help but think "Mind blown".

Before I started writing this I searched to see if I was only one to felt this way (I wasn’t) so I could know if I was on the verge of some huge realization (I’m not). Upon my “research” I found a Reddit post that links WWE Superstars to their Dragon Ball counter parts in detail. With everyone matched up to their characters it gets easier to see the correlation between the two. 

The WWE Universe operates closely to how the DBZ Universe does. There’s always the hero/face of the show (Goku/Roman Reigns #lolamirite) who you know will always prevail in the end. That doesn’t stop a slew of villains from trying to defeat him and take his title/planet. On occasions the villain will prevail. Our hero will get taken out momentarily and the Yamchas/Jobbers the world will try and fail to defeat them. But the hero always comes back better and stronger than ever. Even against guys like Perfect Cell and Brock Lesnar, the Saiyan always grabs the brass ring. It’s a never ending cycle and power struggle. Not to mention the female characters that add little to nothing (sorry ChiChi)

At the end of the day I do have to give these fan videos credit. They take a "Too Many Tacos on $2 Taco Tuesday Night" level shit on Dragon Ball: Evolution. So please film makers, don't gather all your energy and spirit bomb me. Instead save your time, money, and efforts and just watch WWE.

- Matthew


Senpai Social Sounds Vol. 1

The only thing that influences our content more than anime and nerd culture is music. Every time I'm working on a design there's music blasting in the background. Every time I'm thinking of concepts for a photo shoot or video I have a song in mind that I build around. It may not seem like it but music is what really brings everything we do together. That being said we present to you, Senpai Social Sounds

Senpai Social Sounds is a 12 song playlist we'll be presenting bi-weekly (haha bi) on Spotify. The playlist will feature artists that we feel represent and inspire us. We both have pretty broad tastes in music so we hope to bring you something that's diverse and interesting. Who knows, maybe you'll hear a song that inspires you as well. Whether you're inspired to create or twerk is your call, we just wanna vibe with you.


Hope you all have a good weekend bumping our playlist. Check back in a couple of weeks for Volume 2 and be sure to follow us on Spotify to hear it first!

Party on Plebs

- Matthew

Anime Aesthetic: Otakus on the Runway

It wasn’t too long ago that I was standing in my local Urban Outfitters looking to buy a button up shirt for a party. Walking around browsing it was hard not to notice the abundance of t-shirts displayed around the store that utilized Japanese kanji in its design. If I had to quantify it, I’d roughly estimate that about 65% of the t-shirts they were displaying followed this design pattern. That’s not a significant number by any means, but it was still well over half of the shirts up for sale.

Not too long before that H&M incorporated anime and otaku inspired clothing in their Spring collection. More recently, famed streetwear brand Supreme released a collaboration collection with Toshio Maeda, a prolific manga artist and pioneer in the hentai genre. The collection features imagery of his work plastered on various articles of clothing such as t-shirts and jackets (I’m not familiar with any of his work, but I’ll let you know as soon as clothing with Bible Black imagery on it surfaces).

So what does this all mean exactly? Well, not much to be honest. But being that we here at Senpai Social Club make anime themed and inspired clothing, it is of interest to me. Especially if this trend becomes bigger than it already is now. There is the fear of being just another drop in the tentacle and ramen filled ocean of anime inspired clothing. 

Senpai Social Club "WAIFU Team" Shirt

Senpai Social Club "WAIFU Team" Shirt

It seems lately that the fashion trend of utilizing Japanese and Anime culture in design choices has been growing rapidly. This is not too surprising seeing as how Anime in itself is becoming more mainstream. This trend will only help to increase anime’s popularity even more, which I am all for. The problem that I do have with this trend though lies with the consumers themselves. It seems to me that being weird and standing out is what people are obsessed with these days. Everybody wants to be different. Its only natural to want to distinguish yourself as an individual. Anime inspired clothing is just niche enough to facilitate this need to wear something different but mainstream enough that people outside of the culture still have somewhat of an understanding of it. But it wasn’t so long ago that people who showed their love for anime were stigmatized for it. Matter of fact, this is still the case to this day.

If you like anime, you are considered geeky, nerdy, or dorky for the most part by the general populace. Now the look that comes from anime and otaku culture is being marketed to the general populace through mainstream clothing stores. People who have no grasp of what anime is, but like the look of it, are sure to buy these clothes. These are probably the same people that in the past would have made fun of somebody for being out in public in cosplay or for wearing their favorite shirt that they bought at their local con that features a picture of their “waifu for laifu” on it. Now I’m not so caught up in my own entitlement that I think that only people who watch anime should be allowed to wear anime inspired clothing, but I do find it bothersome that people who look down on anime fans for their interest can buy anime inspired clothing to capitalize on fashion trends just so they can feel cool or hip.

I love anime and the culture that surrounds it, and to see people reduce it to nothing more than just a means to distinguish yourself through style and then turn right around and laugh at a cosplayer who is standing in line at a Starbucks is disheartening. While I’m sure that this is something that is inevitable, I am optimistic. I love the idea of being able to buy anime inspired clothing that is more fashion conscious by just going to my local mall instead of having to search the farthest recesses of the internet for them. I love the possibility of people liking the art style in these anime inspired clothing and then being inspired themselves to go and watch anime. I love that the mainstream culture is starting to pay more attention to the cool things that anime brings.

All in all, I see the anime inspired clothing fashion trend as a good thing for the anime community. I would hope that this trend helps to alleviate the stigma that all anime fans are weirdos, dorks, or losers. I mean sure, we could be those things, but we’re also cool in our own way, and maybe the things that you think are lame can actually be cool to you too if you just gave it a chance. This is at least my hope, but hey, what do I know? I’m just a nerd with a laptop.

I’m currently typing this while I should be typing an essay for my Coms 100A class.
