Con Life: SacAnime Winter 2016

Another Con has come and gone and just like the rest of them, it ended too soon. As some of you may know this was our first time having a set up in any shape or form so right off the bat it was going to be a new experience for us.

When we walked into the convention center on Day Zero our jaws dropped. Have you ever seen the exhibitors hall when it’s completely empty? It looks 10x bigger than it does all set up. When we arrived at our table our blood started pumping. We probably had the hardest pre-convention boner out of everyone.


Don’t let the simplicity of our table fool you because when there’s less to look at it’s easier to notice mistakes. Case and point: our banner. Luckily we only had to inform one person of the mythical land of “CALIFORINA”, a place of refuge for Senpais such as ourselves. A short lived highlight of our booth was the now legendary “Pink Bra”, which we had to take down due to whiny babies complaining.

Running a booth like ours in Artist Alley is interesting. We didn't offer any traditional items or art. In the colorful world of Artist Alley we were the literal dark cloud, and we embraced it.

“What are you guys?” is a question we frequently got and the answer depended on what day you asked. The look of confusion and disappointment when people found out we weren’t an actual club they could join was always mildly amusing. But for every couple of people with questions there was a group of people who knew about us that followed. It was awesome hearing about how people have seen our shirts around or stories they had about us personally (some of which were untrue but entertaining). 

Can’t forget about the all the new people we met too! We actually ran out of business cards so I hope a few of you that grabbed one are reading this now. If you are, What up! Hope you guys continue to fuck with us. 

It was really great meeting a few of you who have been following us since way back when. Despite what Sword Art Online led you to believe, live interactions are way better than online ones. Welcome to the ever growing posse of the Senpai Social Club! Hope to see you all at upcoming conventions.

So here’s to SacAnime Winter 2016. I’ve never had a more productive start to a new year in my life. We exceeded our own expectations and are excited for what 2016 has in store for the club. Thank you all again for your continued support. Artist Alley Gods willing, we will have a table at SacAnime Summer 2016. If we get one, get those lungs ready to yell "WONTON SOUP!". A special thank you goes out to Linda and Michael for helping us run our booth. Free up some time in September guys!

Until next time plebs

- Matthew