How did you get here? Was it through a form of social media? Word of mouth? Or something more shameful? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve found yourself here. But what is here exactly…
The brainchild of two brothers from California, Senpai Social Club spawned from video games, a failed cosplay career, and an appreciation for Japanese animation. After submerging themselves in “Otaku” culture by attending local conventions the brothers were inspired to forge a personal representation of themselves in a community filled with diversity.
Never ones to shy away from wearing their interests on their sleeves, the brothers do just that. By incorporating fashionable designs with anime aesthetic and humor, they create clothing that can be appreciated by the filthiest of casuals or the body pillow aficionado.
“Here” is the virtual club house of the Senpai Social Club. Established to represent those whose guilty pleasure or obsession is anime.