SacAnime Summer 2016

Two Minutes. That's about all the time you have to register for tables at SacAnime. The blood in your veins starts rushing at 9:59 AM. Come ten o' clock you click your mouse and type at speeds even the Flash couldn't comprehend. You can only hope any pray that during the time it takes PayPal to load, 100 people haven't already submitted their info. Once you confirm your order and that page loads to say "You paid $100 to SacAnime" it's done. Jizz everywhere. The blue balls you've had since the night before are relieved but only momentarily. The pressure starts to build back up until September. What I'm trying to say is Senpai Social Club will be returning to Artist Alley at SacAnime Summer 2016.


SEPTEMBER 2nd-4th, 2016