Conlife: SacAnime Winter 2017

SacAnime Winter 2017 was just over a week ago and I'm still experiencing a hangover from it. If you've watched the vlogs from the weekend then you've pretty much seen what it was like. However there's a few things didn't make it on those videos that I wanted to share with you.

I should start with THE STREAK CONTINUES! Honestly every con we attend seems to out do the last. We've honestly enjoyed every con we've been to dating back to SacAnime Summer 2014 and we've managed to have more and more fun each one we attend. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this weekend one for the books.

This con was special to me because it's the first time we've actually felt some what established. A year ago we had our first table in Artist Alley. Most people didn't know us, more people were confused, and less gave a fuck about us. Fast forward to a year later and we're meeting people who have almost all our gear and seeing the same faces from last year come up and reconnect. It's truly a mind blowing and humbling experience. We've still got a long way to go, but it lets us know we're on the right track and we can count on you guys to have our backs. The only downside is it's getting harder to remember each of your names, but rest assured we do remember you, we might just need a reminder!

Of course none of this happens without you guys. If you don't come up to our table, we stop going to conventions. If the gear doesn't sell, we cease to exist. We both look forward to these conventions every year and once they end, we're already looking towards the next year. It's nice to meet the people behind the screens and get to know all of you. If you ever want to hang out at our table, you're more than welcome to. The only thing we ask is for you to be respectful to those around you and not molest our statue of "Thickness". She's good luck, don't soil her. 

Again, thank you to everyone who showed support the past weekend. The love is real, yo.

- Matt

SacAnime Winter 2017 Exclusive Shirt

During SacAnime Winter 2017 we dropped our second limited edition shirt. We took our X's For Eyes Tee and made it a long sleeve. This was our first con exclusive shirt so we commemorated it with "SACANIME" going down the sleeve. SacAnime has always been good to us so it was our way of giving back.

The shirts did way better than we anticipated and sold out before the convention ended. Were you one of the lucky few who snagged one?

These shirts will not be produced again, but fret not! With Fanime and our two year anniversary coming up there will be more exclusive and limited shirts to come!

- Matt

SacAnime Winter 2017 Vlogs

We completely failed at vlogging SacAnime Summer 2016. I said I would do it better next time in that video. I'm happy to say I think I lived up to my word.

For SacAnime Winter 2017 I wanted to release a vlog for each day of the convention. The plan was to release them daily but when you're editing at 3 am after working the vendors hall and roaming the convention after hours, it makes it difficult. 

I just uploaded Day Three a few hours ago, thus completing the vlogs. Here is all three vlogs, hope you enjoy it!

Now that's not all for the vlogs though! I still have a bunch of left over clips I plan on putting together as a bonus video. Stay tuned for that!

Thanks for watching, and if you liked it please like, comment, and subscribe! /youtubeshit

- Matt