Fanime Was Lit

Well shit has it already been two weeks since Fanime? It’s hard to believe something we looked forward to for so long has already come and gone. We had an insanely good time and it was nice to be “con-goers” again after running a table at SacAnime Winter. I’ve been meaning to do a write up on Fanime but <Goldblum voice> Life…uh…finds a away…to get in the way </Goldblum voice>. Instead I’m gonna write some random sentences and you can fill in the context. 

Guys twerk better than girls. Linecon, amiright. Yo Son I heard you like gears. These badges are fucking ugly. Why is a mirror wearing a top hat? Can you feed it to me? Oh Shit, Waddup! It’s Yami Yugi! Micropenis! I’m gonna build a wall and make the titans pay for it. Can you step on me? Hip Hop in the main room. Wake up the hero! Karaoke is lit. CWF! My brother in arms. Everything you know is wrong. Critic Acid and Salt are used to preserve tomatoes.

That probably makes zero sense to most of you reading but if you know, then you know.

So whats next for the Senpai Social Club? Our next confirmed con is SacAnime Summer 2016 where we will have a table in artist alley. We plan to have a couple new releases by the time the con rolls around. There might even be a special release debuting there. Until then be sure to keep up with us here or on our social media profiles to get the latest updates.

Thanks to all the supporters who came and said whats up. It’s always nice interacting with you guys. Special shout out to Jade, Megan, and Percy for kickin’ it with us the whole convention. Also gotta thank Rian Synnth, Karlibra, and Law of EMZ for supporting us. Fanime 2016…twas lit fam. 

Stay woke, kohais

- Matthew

2016 Anniversary Release : The White Dugout Tee

Where did the time go? There are some days where it feels like only a month had passed since we took our first squad photo at Fanime 2015. With Fanime 2016 right around the corner it’s hard to believe it’s been almost a whole 365 days since this photo was taken.

When we started Senpai Social Club we had no idea it would grow into what it has become. All we knew is that we wanted to become a “thing”. We forged so many ideas in our Playstation Party chats that we knew we had to bring them to life. The first of those ideas would become our flagship shirt design, the Dugout Tee. We originally printed only enough shirts for the three of us but an error by our supplier gifted us with a couple extra shirts. One of which we were able to sell to our very first customer.

Since then it’s been an incredible ride and learning experience. With this being our first major milestone, we’re taking it back to where it all started, the White Dugout Tee. We were originally going to release both color options of the Dugout Tee but ultimately decided to go with black to fit our “all black” motif. However, this is a special occasion and it calls for a special release.

Limited to 20 pieces, the White Dugout Tee will first be available Fanime 2016 attendees. They will then be put up on the web store following the conclusion of the convention. These shirts will not be reprinted once they sell out.

Thank you all for the support over the last year. You guys will never know how much it means to us here at Senpai Social Club. Here’s to you, plebs.

- Matthew